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Google Ramps Up Header Bidding Alternative

Elisabeth Salway

Google has announced that it will be launching a beta version of its header bidding alternative, which will be known as Exchange Bidding Dynamic Allocation or EBDA for short. Expected to launch in May 2017, the beta will be open to a select few of its technology partners and hundreds of publishers.

Details and Implications:
The term “header bidding” has long been discussed within the supply side of the programmatic ecosystem.  It refers to the technology that enables publishers to make their inventory available to more than one SSP or exchange simultaneously.   When a publisher inputs an advertising slot into its ad server, this allows the SSP to run an auction on the back of the bid responses it gets from the various DSPs it is integrated with.  Header bidding allows the same thing, but for multiple marketplaces.  It therefore increases competition across the different market places, encouraging a fairer holistic auction.  The reason it’s referred to as header bidding is because this code sits within the header of their sites.

The launch of Google’s EBDA doesn’t have a direct impact on advertisers, which can continue to work with supply partners and platforms (ie, programmatic and non-programmatic) to deliver campaign impressions.  However, there is a nuance that buyers should consider.  It’s pretty clear that competition for impressions increases in this multi-access, real-time environment.  This will result in more bids for available impressions and prices reflecting demand, as opposed to the fixed price you may buy impressions for in a direct upfront buy – however, as this is a bidding model based on the user and their data you will be able to better understand the value of that user and thus what you should bid for them. This will result in a fundamental shift in how buyers negotiate with their supply partners.  This competitive environment is fundamentally enabled by technology.  The technology partners that allow advertisers to centralise their buying activities will ensure advertisers do not bid against themselves (by accessing the same supply across many different header bidding solutions).

Programmatic buying is changing; real-time bidding encourages the exchange of inventory for the market price.  Header bidding, for now, is a supply side area of focus and won’t affect the advertiser’s ability to access inventory directly or via programmatic routes.  Adoption of header bidding solutions has been high amongst the publisher community but, in reality, it will take some time for this to change the dynamics of how media is traded.

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2017 Q1 Results (ESP)

Norm Johnston

Aquí les adjuntamos los resultados financieros del Q1:

Alphabet/ Google: ¿Qué tan profunda fue la herida? Por el momento parece que los recientes problemas de seguridad de la marca sólo han infligido una herida superficial. Alphabet entregó excelentes resultados, incluyendo U$S  24.75 billones  de ingresos, un 22% de aumento interanual en las ventas. El 99% de estos ingresos provienen de Google y de sus dos motores de crecimiento: Search y publicidad de YouTube. Sin embargo hay dos nubes en el horizonte. En primer lugar, los problemas de seguridad de YouTube han puesto un hito en la calidad del contenido de la red de vídeo, específicamente si los anunciantes comparten la misma definición de "premium" que YouTube. Con más competidores saltando en el OTT / espacio de video en línea - Amazon está gastando más de U$S 4 billones en contenido original - la presión crecerá sobre Google para definir su futura estrategia de contenido, sobre todo con YouTube TV que acaba de lanzar en los EE.UU. En segundo lugar, la búsqueda por voz puede resultar más perjudicial para el modelo de monetización de anuncios de Google que para la búsqueda móvil.

Amazon: Ambición desenfrenada. Amazon superó las expectativas de ventas (US$ 35.7 billones) y las acciones se dispararon. El mantra "Day One" de la compañía apunta a ambiciones más grandes para lanzarse en otros lugares. Google debe estar atento en dos frentes. En primer lugar, las suscripciones a Amazon Prime, que incluyen contenido de video en línea gratis, alcanzaron los US$ 1.94 billones en ingresos, casi un 50% más que el año pasado. En segundo lugar, Amazon's Echo, su asistente Alexa, y su funcionalidad de búsqueda (más del 55% de los compradores on line en los EE.UU. comienzan su búsqueda de compras en Amazon) siguen ganando ventas y talkability. Ambas representan una amenaza a largo plazo para Google, en particular porque Amazon no necesita de los ingresos publicitarios. Tanto Prime como Echo son un medio para llegar a un fin: conseguir que la gente compre más en Amazon. Con el tiempo, este modelo de negocio radicalmente diferente combinado con una espalda financiera fuerte le da a Amazon una posición única para desafiar el modelo de negocio principal de Google en el Search y el video.

Apple: Una cosa más. Es exactamente lo que se necesita. En palabras de Tim Cook, los informes de futuros productos han retrasado las decisiones de compra explicando las ventas decepcionantes del iPhone de este trimestre (50.8m vs. 52m esperado por Wall Street). En resumen, la gente está esperando un descarado iPhone 8. Cook debe ser agudamente consciente de los rumores - la carga inalámbrica, Realidad Aumentada incorporada, pantalla infinita - y la presión de estar a la altura. Y, por supuesto, existe la presión aún mayor para entregar un producto que “cambie las reglas del juego “ post-Jobs. Podemos agregar los lentes de Apple a la larga lista de productos rumoreados. Un informe interno de Apple divulgado ha revelado que Apple está experimentando con sus propias gafas de Realidad Aumentada. Mientras que las ventas del iPhone estaban por debajo de las expectativas, especialmente en China, Apple aún obtuvo 52.9 billones de dólares en ingresos para el trimestre.

Twitter: La vida en el viejo perro. Algunas buenas noticias para los fans de Twitter: 9 millones más de usuarios promedio mensuales (MAUs) se unieron a Twitter. El crecimiento de los usuarios es la métrica principal que Wall Street analiza cuando se trata de plataformas on line, en particular las redes sociales. Así, aunque los ingresos de Twitter disminuyeron año tras año (U$S 512m vs U$S 548m en '16), el precio de las acciones subió en el crecimiento de la MAU. La nueva asociación de Twitter Y # What'sHappening con más de 16 asociaciones de streaming de video ha generado ruido y la  adopción de un nuevo algoritmo para pasar a un feed de noticias automatizadas y ordenadas por importancia en vez de cronológicamente, puede haber finalmente dado sus frutos. La ironía (y la lección aprendida por Facebook y aplicada a Instagram) es que las redes sociales pueden convertirse en una víctima de su propio éxito. Cuantos más usuarios, más abrumadora es la experiencia del usuario, y menos gente se va a unir. Tal vez una lección para Snapchat.

Facebook: Déjà vu. Otro trimestre sobresaliente para Facebook: 1,94 billones de usuarios, 8,03 billones de dólares en ingresos, de los cuales el 85% proviene de móviles. Instagram en particular ha sido un gran éxito, pasando de 200 millones de usuarios a 700 millones, impulsando la monetización masiva de anuncios en el proceso. Muchos se han quejado de que Instagram simplemente está copiando características de Snapchat, hasta convenciones de nomenclatura (por ejemplo, Historias). Mientras que podemos aplaudir a Zuckerberg por copiar implacablemente y posiblemente mejorar su competencia, Facebook también tendrá que presentar su propia innovación y de la reciente conferencia F8, ese enfoque parece estar en AI, VR y AR

Norm Johnston

The 2017 Q1 results are in, and here is our regular round-up of the usual suspects.

Alphabet/Google: How Deep Was the Wound? For the moment it appears the recent brand safety issues have only inflicted a flesh wound. Alphabet delivered excellent results, including $24.75bn in revenue, a 22% year-on-year increase in sales. Ninety-nine per cent of this revenue comes from Google and its two growth engines of search and YouTube advertising. There are however two clouds on the horizon. Firstly, the YouTube brand safety issues have put a major spotlight on the quality of the video network’s content, specifically whether advertisers share the same definition of “premium” as YouTube. With more competitors jumping into the OTT/online video space – Amazon is spending over $4b on original content – the pressure will grow on Google to define its future content strategy, particularly with YouTube TV just launching in the US. Secondly, voice search may prove to be more disruptive to Google’s ad monetization model than mobile search.

Amazon: Unbridled Ambition. Amazon surpassed sales expectations ($35.7bn) and stocks soared. The company’s ‘Day One’ mantra points to bigger ambitions to disrupt elsewhere.  Google must be watching on two fronts. Firstly, Amazon Prime subscriptions, which include free online video content, reached $1.94bn in revenue, up nearly 50% from last year. Secondly, Amazon’s Echo, its assistant Alexa, and its search functionality (over 55% of online shoppers in the US start their shopping search on Amazon) continue to gain sales and cultural buzz. Both represent a longer-term threat to Google, particularly as Amazon doesn’t need the ad revenue. Both Prime and Echo are a means to an end – to get people to buy more at Amazon. Over time this radically different business model combined with deep pockets gives Amazon a unique position to challenge Google’s core business model in search and video.

Apple: One More Thing. Is exactly what is needed. In the words of Tim Cook, reports of future products have delayed purchase decisions explaining this quarter’s disappointing iPhone sales (50.8m vs. 52m expected by Wall St.) In short, people are waiting for a jaw-dropping iPhone 8. Cook must be acutely aware of the rumours – wireless charging, built-in Augmented Reality, infinite displays  - and the pressure to live up to it. And of course there is the even bigger pressure to deliver a new post-Jobs game-changer product. You can add Apple Glasses to the long list of rumoured products. A leaked Apple employee accident report has revealed that Apple is experimenting with its own Augmented Reality glasses. While iPhone sales were below expectations, particularly in China, Apple still pulled in $52.9bn in revenue for the quarter.

Twitter: Life in the Old Dog. Some good news for Twitter fans: 9 million more monthly average users (MAUs) joined Twitter. User growth is the main metric Wall St looks at it when it comes to online platforms, particularly social networks. So even though Twitter’s revenue declined year-on-year ($512m vs $548m in ’16), the stock price jumped on the MAU growth. Twitter’s new #What'sHappening partnerships with over 16 streaming video partnerships has generated buzz and its adoption of a new algorithm to move to a curated, automated and prioritized news feed rather than a chronological one may have finally paid off. The irony (and lesson learned by Facebook and applied to Instagram) is that social networks can become a victim of their own success. The more users, the more overwhelming the user experience, the less people joining. Perhaps a lesson for Snapchat.  

Facebook: Déjà vu. Another outstanding quarter for Facebook: 1.94bn in users, $8.03bn in revenue, of which 85% comes from mobile. Instagram in particular has been a huge success, growing from 200m users to 700m, powering massive ad monetization in the process. Many have complained that Instagram is simply copying Snapchat features, down to naming conventions (e.g., Stories). While you have to applaud Zuckerberg for ruthlessly copying and arguably improving upon his competition, Facebook will also need to come up his own innovation and from the recent F8 conference, that focus appears to be on AI, VR, and AR. 

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